Returning Client Resources
Info About:
The Midwifery Model of Care
Informed Consent/Shared Decision Making
Mobile Midwife
Truly delayed cord clamping (separation vs. bonding rituals.)
Nutrition (general, a protein list and also a link to sites with protein counters. myfitnesspal app.
Vitamin K
Books I recommend
My philosophy and practice beliefs.
Childbirth Education: why, which ones, what if you feel like you can't afford it
Conflict Resolution (I hope we never need this, but it's good for all of us to know where we can go if we need more help solving an issue.)
Links to:
Big Easy Birth
Spinning Babies
Ina May
Gloria LeMay
Videos of gentle birth
Stories of gentle birth
After the birth:
Postpartum Evaluation and Feedback
Leave a testimonial
Share pictures with us!
The Midwifery Model of Care
Informed Consent/Shared Decision Making
Mobile Midwife
Truly delayed cord clamping (separation vs. bonding rituals.)
Nutrition (general, a protein list and also a link to sites with protein counters. myfitnesspal app.
Vitamin K
Books I recommend
My philosophy and practice beliefs.
Childbirth Education: why, which ones, what if you feel like you can't afford it
Conflict Resolution (I hope we never need this, but it's good for all of us to know where we can go if we need more help solving an issue.)
Links to:
Big Easy Birth
Spinning Babies
Ina May
Gloria LeMay
Videos of gentle birth
Stories of gentle birth
After the birth:
Postpartum Evaluation and Feedback
Leave a testimonial
Share pictures with us!